Year 7 - 10 Courses

The Australian Curriculum and Curriculum Framework sets out a series of major learning outcomes agreed to be essential for all students to achieve. These outcomes describe what students should know, understand, value and be able to do as a result of their curriculum experiences.

Lower school students will be exposed to a wide range of subjects ensuring a broad, well balanced education. The subjects will be derived from the eight learning areas outlined in the Australian Curriculum and Curriculum Framework.

  • The Arts (Dance, Drama, Media Studies, Music, Home Economics and Visual Arts)
  • English
  • Health & Physical Education
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Technology & Enterprise (Design & Technology, and Information Technology)

In all learning areas, there is a focus on the development of literacy, numeracy and ICT.
Students in years 7, 8 and 9 will follow a common course involving major learning outcomes from the eight learning areas.

Students with special interests, talents and abilities are catered for within our range of academic extension, and Inspire programs.

In year 10, students will be able to choose some subjects within their program, in conjunction with compulsory subjects. All students will be allocated a course for English, Mathematics, Science, Health & Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, depending on their performance in year 9. Further information is included in the booklet: Information for Year 10 2025 Students and Parents