Studying at the senior level means that students are expected to take greater responsibility for their decisions. Students study six (4-6) course equivalents in Year 11 and six (4-6) course equivalents in Year 12 depending their chosen pathway. Once a student has commenced their program of study, course changes are discouraged and usually only considered in exceptional cases. Year 12 students should continue a course that they studied in Year 11.
ATAR Pathway Courses (University)
These courses are examined externally for the purposes of university entrance. It is recommended that students aiming for university entrance study a minimum of five ATAR courses in Year 11 and subsequently the corresponding five ATAR courses in Year 12.
For ATAR courses studied in Year 12, in addition to the grade (determined, as above, by the college), students will receive an external assessment based on 50% of a mark submitted by the college (covering Year 12 work only) and 50% of the mark attained in the external exam.
General Pathway Courses (Non-University)
These courses are assessed at the College level, with one task set externally by SCSA in Year 12 for moderation purposes. These courses do not contribute to direct university entrance eligibility. Although some courses stand-alone each year, it is recommended that students select a course to study over the two years, as it can be very difficult to pick up a new course in Year 12 if the background has not been developed in Year 11.
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
These courses are governed by the Australian Quality Training Framework and do not contribute to direct university entrance eligibility. Successful completion of these courses is an advantage for students who are aiming to apply for further training pathways (eg State or Private Training Providers) and may be an advantage for students applying for alternative entry pathways to university (Eg Portfolio Entry to Edith Cowan University.) For information on alternative pathways to university, please contact individual universities directly.
Minimum Entrance Requirements
The Minimum Entrance Requirements for each course are included in the detailed course descriptions. These are stated to help the student choose appropriate courses in which he or she could succeed – provided they have a good work ethic and put in the effort required.