Specialised Autism Learning Program (SALP)

Southern River College is one of eight State Secondary Schools that has a specific Specialised Autism Learning Program (SALP), aimed at providing students with Autism Spectrum Disorder a greater opportunity to achieve their aspirations.

The program supports learning success in a mainstream schooling environment, accessing curriculum at level. There is a focus on academic outcomes as well as social, emotional, and personal development to prepare students for life beyond secondary schooling.

Pathways for students into University, TAFE and other workforce/training opportunities are interwoven into the program to help students succeed beyond secondary schooling.

SALP has a dedicated facility on the school site that provides the opportunity for specialist staff to run individually tailored education programs for students in the program. The facility contains teaching spaces, socialisation spaces, ICT resources and engagement resources that enable staff to teach a Social Thinking Curriculum (Michelle Garcia Winner), and provide a safe space for students to practice these skills.

The program is designed and resourced to provide for students who meet the following criteria;
– Student has a confirmed diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder
– Student is academically capable of understanding and coping with grade level content and tasks
– Behaviour is managed independently or through the use of prompts / strategies
– Student independently manages personal care requirements
– Families can provide reliable transport to and from the SALP

Entry places to the Specialised Autism Learning Program each year are limited and Expressions of Interest for students entering year 7 are requested by the 29th June the previous year. Applications are assessed by an Independent Panel which convenes in Term 3 of each year.

For further information regarding our Specialised Autism Learning Program please contact 9391 6500 or email southernrivercollege@education.wa.edu.au.